About the Lab

What does the Library Innovation Lab do?

We are a software and design lab tucked inside the world's largest academic law library, building tools and communities for open knowledge. We build open-source software and web services, available to everyone and in the public interest, to explore and to solve emerging information problems from our shared perspective as librarians, programmers, artists, and lawyers. We currently support three long-running services ( Perma, H2O Open Casebook, and the Caselaw Access Project ) as well as a range of shorter term experiments.

How can I get in touch with the Lab?

Follow us on Twitter or shoot us an email if you’re interested in any of our projects or sketches. All of our code is open source. Send a pull request on GitHub if you want to collaborate.

Contact us online:

Contact us in person:

The Library Innovation Lab
The Reginald F. Lewis Law Center
1557 Massachusetts Avenue Map
Cambridge, MA 02138

What’s our story?

We’re a dynamic group of thinkers and doers working to make libraries better by exploring the countless, dimly lit pathways that connect libraries to the larger world.

We focus our energy on a handful of large multi-year projects and a number of small projects we call sketches. Our large projects are ambitious undertakings that reflect our long-term mission and efforts. Sketches are experiments and provocations that are often driven by one or two folks in the Lab.

We’re stationed in the Harvard Law School Library and benefit greatly from the deep legal thinking and scholarship that surrounds us. We often approach library challenges using our law school library lens, but we work hard to make sure our local efforts have broad application. Libraries are universal.

Our group’s culture is freewheelin’ and open. We welcome new ideas and new collaborations. Let’s work together to make libraries better.

Who we are

The people at the Lab.

Faculty Director



Past Affiliates

Zena Agha 2017 Summer Fellow
Neel Agrawal 2016 Summer Fellow
Anastasia Aizman Designer and Lead Creative Technologist
Rachel Auslander 2021 Summer Research Assistant
Sankalp Bhatnagar 2022-2024 Research Fellow
Anna Bialas 2017 LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Carrie Bly 2018 Summer Fellow
Hannah Brinkmann 2018 Summer Fellow
Catherine Brobston Product and Research Manager
Annie Cain Developer
Mathew Dongkyun Cha 2022 Summer Research Assistant
Stephen Chapman Manager, Digital Strategies for Collections
Brennan Chesley Developer
Franny Corry 2018 Summer Fellow
Liza Daly Technologist in Residence
Julian DeGroot-Lutzner 2018 Summer Intern
Michael Della Bitta Engineering Manager
Paul Deschner Developer
Alexandra Dolan-Mescal 2018 Summer Fellow
Kim Dulin Library Innovation Lab Director
Jay Edwards Research Fellow
Jake Effoduh 2017 Summer Fellow
Nayun Eom Summer Research Assistant
Ashley Fan 2021 Summer Research Assistant
Shira Feldman 2018 Summer Fellow
Kelly Fitzpatrick Research Associate
Kerri Fleming Digital Projects Archivist
Sara Frug 2017 Summer Fellow
Sarah Glassmeyer 2017 Research Fellow
Jeff Goldenson Designer
Kendra Greene 2018 Summer Fellow
Hans Christian Gregerson 2016 LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Casey Gruppioni Developer
Andy Gu 2021 Summer Research Assistant
Alison Head 2011 visiting researcher
Evelin Heidel 2018 Summer Fellow
Davis Henderson 2022 Summer Research Assistant
Adaeze Ibeanu 2021 Summer Research Assistant
Varun Iyer 2022 Summer Research Assistant
Brett Johnson Outreach and Support
Rachel Karasick 2017 Summer Fellow
Jocelyn Kennedy Executive Director of the Harvard Law School Library
Rebecca Kilberg Technologist in Residence
Ilya Kreymer 2016 Summer Fellow
Aadi Kulkarni 2021 Summer Research Assistant
Caitlin Laughlin Perma Admin
Seonghee Lee 2022 Summer Research Assistant
Doyung Lee 2017 LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Greg Leppert Product and Research Director
Andrew MacTaggart Senior Digitization Specialist
Kate Mays LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Muira McCammon 2016 Summer Fellow
Sabelo Mhlambi Technologist in Residence
Matt Miller 2017 Summer Fellow
Miglena Minkova 2017 Summer Fellow
Loren Newman Intern
Alexander Nwala 2016 Summer Fellow
Matt Phillips Lead Developer
Michelle Quin 2018 Summer Intern
Tim Riser 2016 LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Dakota Sexton Senior Software Engineer
Satvik Shukla 2018 Summer Intern
Andy Silva Developer
Oren Tamir Fellow
Zach Tan 2017 LIL and Berkman Summer Intern
Emily Teng 2022 Summer Research Assistant
Shailin Thomas Affiliate, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Tiff Tseng 2016 Summer Fellow
Tessa Walsh 2018 Summer Fellow
David Weinberger Co-Director
Jordi Weinstock Research Fellow
Jessamyn West Research Fellow
Reid Whitaker 2017 Summer Fellow
Suzanne Wones Executive Director, Harvard Law School Library
Rosten Woo Contributing designer
Adam Ziegler Director