August 8, 2014 Link roundup August 8, 2014 Posted by Annie Cain Hey ma, this internet this is pretty cool. The YouTube Of Data Viz Feeds You The Web's Best Infographics More visualizations than you can shake a stick at. Matt Phillips Electric Objects Teams Up with NY Public Library for Artist Residency The startup/library partnership is clearly a good idea. Opportunity for @nypl_labs to share more widely and deeply. Matt Phillips The Future of Iced Coffee - The Atlantic Scale the right way. Avoid the devil poodle. Use the ideas of your people. Make it work. Annie Wikipedia Zero and Net Neutrality: Protecting the Internet as a Public Space Wikipedia, free to all. Love this effort to charge $0 for access over the network. Matt Phillips The American Room — The Message YouTube videos show the commonness of our rooms. About nine foot tall, big and boxy, and a common shade of white. Matt Phillips