This month we’re sharing new ways to start working with data from the Caselaw Access Project. This CAP code share from Anastasia Aizman shows us how to get opinion authors from cases with the CAP API and CourtListener: Get opinion author!

There are millions of court opinions that make up our legal history. With data, we can learn new things about individual opinions, who authored them, and how that activity influences the larger landscape. This code share reviews how to get started with the names of opinion authors.

This code finds opinion authors from cases using the CAP API and CourtListener. By forming a query to the CAP API and returning the cases from that query, this code connects keywords that match with individual opinion authors using the CourtListener API. The final output creates a data frame of those authors and related data in CourtListener. Nice 🙌

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We want to share new ways to start working with data from the Caselaw Access Project. Looking for code to start your next project? Try our examples repository and get started today.