The CAP Tracking Tool

Evelin Heidel (@scannopolis on Twitter) recently asked me to document our Caselaw Access Project (website, video) digitization workflow, and open up the source for the CAP “Tracking Tool.” I’ll dig into our digitization workflow in my next post, but in this post, I’ll discuss the Tracking Tool or TT for short. I created the TT to track CAP’s physical and digital objects and their associated metadata.

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The ‘Library’ in Library Innovation Lab

A roomful of people sitting in armchairs with laptops may not appear at first glance to be a place where library work is happening. It could look more like a tech startup, or maybe a student lounge (modulo the ages of some of the people in the armchairs). You don’t have to be a librarian to see it, but, as the only librarian presently working at LIL, I’ll try to show how LIL’s work is at the heart of librarianship.

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