Computational Support for Statutory Interpretation with Caselaw Access Project Data

This post is about a research paper (preprint) on sentence retrieval for statutory interpretation that we presented at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2019) held in June at Montreal, Canada. The paper describes some of our recent work on computational methods for statutory interpretation carried out at the University of Pittsburgh. The idea is to focus on vague statutory concepts and enable a program to retrieve sentences that explain the meaning of such concepts. The Library Innovation Lab’s Caselaw Access Project (CAP) provides an ideal corpus of case law that is needed for such work.

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Caselaw Access Project: Summer 2019 Data Release

Today we’re announcing a new data release for the Caselaw Access Project. This update includes:

  • In-text figures and illustrations in cases. An example, from Sussman v. Cooper (1976), is below.
  • Inline page numbers. You can provide a pin cite to a specific page in a case by adding #p123 to the URL, or just by clicking the page number.
  • Italic formatting in case text, as detected by OCR.
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Teaching Data Science for Lawyers with Caselaw Access Project Data

In the Spring of 2019, at the University of Iowa, I taught an experimental course called Introduction to Quantitative & Computational Legal Reasoning. The idea of the class was beginning “data science” in the legal context. The course is taught in Python, and focuses on introductory coding and statistics, with focused applications in the law (such as statistical evidence of discrimination).

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The Caselaw Access Project Research Summit

Since launching the CAP API and Bulk Data Service in Fall 2018, we’ve been developing a research community around the Caselaw Access Project dataset.

Last week we hosted the first Caselaw Access Project Research Summit to bring together researchers from this community who had already made progress exploring data made available by the Caselaw Access Project.

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